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Showing posts from February, 2017

Important SEO Ranking Factors

Whether the links from other website is important for the Google ranking factor? To get the answer for the above question we interviewed an SEO expert . For that they mentioned the SEO ranking factors and they worked based on it. SEO Ranking Factors Consider by the SEO Specialists 1. SEO rank and Content relevance Google is became the top search engine due to its update of accurate result and artificial intelligence (future updates in other search engine) Content is the king of SEO. The Content Relevancy is an important factor. The Content should be unique The Keyword selection should be based on Content Relevancy 2. Internal Links Still the Important Ranking Factor is the number of Quality Backlinks pointing your Domain. Backlinks are always a key factor for Google rank. The links from other website that related to your website content pointing your website with a anchor text as keyword helps to improve your Search Results. 3. Content quality The Content should be in readi

SEO Trends in 2019 and What to be in 2020

In digital Advertising, keeping ahead of trends is important. In recent years, there are many rumors about the future of SEO. Really there is no right or wrong, but the one thing we know for sure after working with hundreds of clients and companies - if you want to grow your scalable business then you want  pay attention to SEO. In recent years, SEO has changed drastically. What worked few years ago definitely not work today and it seems that this trend is here to stay. Because the Google and other platforms get savvier and more intelligent, the rules for SEO also going to keep changing. We share with you some SEO predictions from the  top SEO marketers in the industry. SEO Now VS SEO Then A few years ago SEO is used single keywords and was more page focused. Knowing top keywords for each page is paramount and to boost your ranking on top search engines was primary objective. Now, SEO shifted to more about engagement and long tail keywords. It also shifted to have emphasis on

Learn digital advertising strategies you should use for mobile

If your company hasn't adapted to the mobile landscape, then it's time for the transition now. There were more penalties towards non-mobile friendly sites in the year 2016. If you already have a mobile friendly website and you are now considering about digital advertising, then here are few digital marketing strategies that will keep your boom business advertising in the ever changing digital space. Content + Advertising = Awareness & Trust Integrate a paid advertising plan - Having a strategic paid advertising plan can help make more people become aware of your brand. Content marketing plays a major role in building trust towards paid advertising. Have quality content. It can enable higher search rank and strengthen your brand. Engage new consumers with social and programmatic advertising - If you have quality and new content, you can make the consumers get engaged through social and programmatic advertising. Use Video advertising - Video advertising is more